Yes, it’s possible, and there is a fantastic page that explains how, here’s the link.
All the configuration needed took a couple minutes, and it worked perfectly.
Thanks Eric for this great article!
a blog on... well, many things, like internet, web development, mobile devices, flight simulation, and many other subjects... written and directed by "synchronicity coordinator" ila.
Yes, it’s possible, and there is a fantastic page that explains how, here’s the link.
All the configuration needed took a couple minutes, and it worked perfectly.
Thanks Eric for this great article!
Posted by WinstonWolf at 4:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: debug, development, fiddler, WindowsPhone7, WP7
I often need to search for some texts in the body of stored procedures. This query can help:
SELECT routine_name, routine_definition
FROM information_schema.routines
WHERE UPPER(routine_definition) LIKE UPPER('%texttobesearched%')
AND routine_type='procedure'
EDIT: just discovered that this method has some problems with long stored procedures; found another one that works better:
declare @searchString varchar(100)
Set @searchString = '%' + 'text to be searched' + '%'
SELECT Distinct SO.Name
FROM sysobjects SO (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN syscomments SC (NOLOCK) on SO.Id = SC.ID
AND SO.Type = 'P'
AND SC.Text LIKE @searchString
Posted by WinstonWolf at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: sql server, survival