I don’t know why I missed this one until now – but NoniGPSPlot is a very good GPS tool, one that I will absolutely want on every windows mobile device I’ll have in my hands.
It’s a sort of GPS swiss knife, the number of possibile uses is endless. It will track your path on the display, showing… well, everything about your movements: speed, altitude, length, direction, start and end time… yesterday I discovered that in my way home I had to stop (traffic lights and so on) for 8 minutes on 35 total. And that my work place is higher than my house, and a lot of other things.
I don’t know if my enthusiasm is a geek one :-) but this tool is great. For sure I’ll donate some money to the developer for this.
Please read all about the features here and see some screenshots here!
NoniGPSPlot, windows mobile, freeware.